Globasa is the product of an elaborate thought experiment. It envisions the linguistic outcome of a hypothetical scenario whereby 1,000 people from around the world are randomly selected to permanently inhabit an island. What would the community's language look like within three generations? This is Globasa's guiding vision.
After an experimental and developmental stage of two years, Globasa was published on July 26th, 2019 with a complete core grammar and 1,000 root words, ready to be put into practice. Since then, Globasa has undergone further development with the help and collaboration of the auxlang community, but has otherwise remained relatively stable and true to its vision. With over 3,000 root words and over 8,000 total dictionary entries, a beginner's course and plenty of reading material, Globasa is currently in Phase 6 of its developmental and growth stage.
Globasa's design is primarily the work of a linguist, translator and expert in adult language acquisition and teaching. It has been created with the average world citizen in mind to be as easy as possible to learn and to use without sacrificing clarity and degree of expressiveness. Its design, reminiscent of the world's creole languages, is the result of the following guiding principles:
With the goal of maximum learnability and ease of use for both speaker and listener
Optimal balance between opposing linguistic parameters
Globasa root words are taken from languages around the world
We are working to increase the number of resources available for learning and using Globasa.
The following Globasa-only chat groups are discussion areas where we only speak Globasa. The Discord Channel and Telegram group are linked to each other. This means you may join either one, and you will see the discussion in both. This is for newcomers and fluent speakers alike to practice and learn.
See below for multilingual discussion groups.
The following is a list of resources and community links for you to learn about Globasa and participate in our community.
The following discussion groups are for anyone to join, ask questions about Globasa, and take an interest in our community.
Top image by Freepik.